Saturday, December 25, 2010

My Woman.

The woman who's responsible for who I am today. My mom. I love you mommy. ♥

First Picture with my fave Grandmother. :)

I love her with all my ♥. She's a very special woman in my heart. The mother of my biological father. The grandmother to many. But nevertheless, the greatest person who's so close to my ♥.
I love you Mama. :)

You're saying something?

...sometimes you got my tongue tied. =P

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ham's Cup 3rd Anniversary :)

Group picture with my batchmates during high school days. I barely can't get a picture of my face in here. :)

Another group picture with them. The night's awesome! Might as well not spoil it. Ü

Cool stuffs! :)

Wish they had it for real. You know, large drinks. Haha.

Fun won't be complete without these two by my side. ♥

With my brothers and sisters in Christ. :) Go SFC! Witwew! Ü

My personal favorite! :) Beautiful! Hehe.

We're looking at another camera. That's why it looks like this! Hehe. :0

A photo with the owner of the restaurant/cafe. The handsome guy on the far right. :)

Can't get enough of it. Hehe.

I really am enjoying the night! On my way to our table after I claiming the prize I won. :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Another Christmas Party. :)

Do I still have to describe the photos? As the saying goes, "A picture paints a thousand words." But let me describe the feeling though. All I can say is that, Le-Camp Tutorial Center surely did made my 2010 remarkable because of the party they allowed me to join in. :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kiddie Us. :)

Okay. We were asked to wear something that will make us look like a kid for our Christmas Party last December 12, 2010. The costume is part of the Kiddie Party theme we were portraying. :)
From left to right: Mitch, Joy, Claire, Nica. 

Same party people with sis Anj, the lady without a headband. Ü That's our wacky pose for the night. 

I don't like how I look like here but I still want to post this since it's me with my household sisters: Ate Cathy, Tenshi, and Joy. :)

I'm posting this because I love how we look like here. ♥

Monday, December 6, 2010

Recent Photo of Me. :)

Fierce Lady. :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Another blessing from God Ü

Being a godmother of my friend's daughter is indeed another blessing from God. I mean, it is not every day that you are given a chance to be part of a child's life right? And so, I posted some pictures here to be reminded that being her second parent makes me proud. 

They're the real parents of Railaine Jamaiah Esber. The father's my friend and the mother's not from here in Masbate. Great combination aren't they? :)

The first godparents to came. From left to right: Divine, Maiah, Claire, Angela. 

Her handsome "ninongs". Ü

Her pretty "ninangs". Ü

Time will come that she will realize how lucky she is for having us as her godparents. :)

This is the part where she's suppose to choose which ones to pick: a rosary beads, a piece of money, a ballpen, or a food formula. She chose none! Haha! Maybe she's just confused of what to do with the things in front of her. Ü

Picture first before we eat. Ü

Photo by: Ivan LopezPhoto by: Ivan LopezPhoto by: Ivan LopezPhoto by: Ivan Lopez

Monday, November 22, 2010

Am I Vain?

Just So You Know...

Actions speak louder than words. Ü

A Recent Photo of Myself Ü

I don't know exactly what I am trying to portray here. All I know is that I should come up with a face that says "I'm sorry." and this is the result. I think I failed. Ha-ha! I end up being "pa-cute". :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Can't Stop Goofing Around =P

Today's My Fool's Day! Ü

...and it actually worked! I looked like a fool. A lovely fool! Ha-ha! Ü