Friday, November 5, 2010

Powerful moments in my life are those times that I couldn't help but pray to God. May it be in sorrow or in joy, I cherish every moment that I am with Him.
Talking to Him.
Crying to Him.
Giving all the praises He deserve.
Whenever He calls me, I answer willingly.
I am not afraid to show Him who the real me is. For if there is one creature who knows me very well, it is Him.
It still amazes me how wonderful He is.
Listening to all my cries.
Understanding all my pain.
Embracing all my sorrows.
Loving all my flaws.
Forgiving all my sins.
That's how generous the Lord is.
If He is like that to me, how is He to YOU?
Pause for a moment in your busy life and reflect how the Lord had showed his amazing LOVE to you.
Stop neglecting Him.
Stop taking advantage of Him.
He calls you too. You should answer too.