Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Millionaire's First Love

Okay. Here's a fact: I love watching Korean movies. Actually I can't help but buy DVDs that have Korean movies, especially DVD collections. That was before I don't have an Internet. Now that I do, I just searched for a Korean movie torrent, and download it. Very impressive right? Ha-ha! And I say, this one has captured my heart the first time I watched it.

I am not the kind of person who shed a tear from watching dramatic movies. But when I watched this film, OMG, I have to strain my self from crying. Tsk. I love every thing about this movie. Though it's a typical Korean story plot (someone has to die fyi), there is something unique about it. I can't really put it into words. Perhaps you must see it for yourself.

The main characters are Kang Jae-Kyung, played by Hyun Bin (popularly known as Cyrus in the Tagalized "Kim Sam Soon"), and Choi Eun-Whan, played by Lee Yeon Hee.

For the story plot, you can read it here.

I love this scene here. It is their class picture and that's how Lee Yeon Hee posed for the camera. With this simple gesture, you can truly feel the love they have for each other.

This scene here is the tear-rifying moment. Aww. She's about to die. See the tears from the guy's face? Yeah, that's how cute he is when he cries. Anyway, this part always brought goosebumps in me whenever I watch this movie. I can't help but to think what if she doesn't have to die, how will the story end? Because honestly, it's too bad to waste such love they shared. Tsk.

So what are you waiting for? Go and download it here. I hope you enjoy watching it the same thing I did. :)