Saturday, October 16, 2010

Library Update

I love watching movies. :) So as of the moment, these movies are the reasons why my storage devices are almost full. Ha-ha!

TRIVIA: I just love downloading movies. But actually, I haven't watch all of them yet. 

YFC Covenant Orientation :)

That's my favorite pose when a camera strikes and there's a lot of people watching. :)

Tita Josie (YFC Masbate Provincial Couple Coordinator) and Tita Tess (YFC High School Based Coordinator) They're truly a blessing to the YFC Masbate. :)

There's Joshua. One of my favorite YFC. I first met him when he was still a KFC and he's so makulit. Every time I see him, he reminded me of how long I've been serving the YFC. Cool!

I look like autistic here. I wasn't aware someone's taking a picture. Ha-ha! I'm the last talk giver for the covenant orientation.

Look at my hand! Ha-ha. :)

The new certified YFCs while taking their pledge as members of the community. Around of applause! :)

Giving of their YFC IDs.

The last one to receive her YFC ID. :)

This is how we WORSHIP HIM. ^^,

Our worship leader, Felip. :) It's his first time to lead a worship while playing the guitar. He did great actually! :)

Yes. That's me. Signing up my covenant card as a Singles For Christ (SFC) last September 26, 2010.
It's called "cross-over' for I was from the Youth For Christ (YFC) community.
It still amazes me how time passed by. I can't believe I am now an SFC member.
But no regrets actually. I love serving God.
With all my strength.
With all my mind.
With all my soul.
With all my heart.

Desktop Background

Sa sobrang pagka-crush ko sa kanya eh ginawan ko siya ng ganyan at siyang naging desktop background ko.
ha-ha! Kaya every time mag-o-open ako ng laptop ko, nakangiti na agad ako at wala ng makakasira ng mood ko. :)
His looks are my icebreakers. ha-ha! Thanks for making me smile Elmo though you don't really know me at all. Ü

True Story.

Yes. It's true. I'm always visiting my profile with an intention to write something in these boxes.
But every time I stare at it, I'm always lost. I can't find the right words to fill these. >:(