Monday, March 17, 2014

First Year Anniversary

To anyone who's reading this, hello there! Meet my boyfriend. Since I'm a lousy blogger (yeah I know) in blogspot, I didn't even bother introducing him here. This is the fist time (to think that it's about our first anniversary huh?) I'm gonna be talking about him here. Don't worry, I'll post more photos about us in the future. Anyway, we celebrated our anniversary when we were in Manila, Philippines. We experienced the hassle of traffic which led us sitting in the jeepney for two hours (from Pasay to Divisoria). My excitement lowered down due to heat and slow movement made by the vehicle we were in. Writing it here after two months make me feel like I'm still there at that moment, experiencing every minute spent there. When we reached Divisoria, we just roamed around looking for the medicine my Mom asked me to bought for her. After that, we entered the mall and find ourselves a decent place to eat at since it's way past lunch and our stomach's growling. That's the time most of the photos in this collage were taken while we were waiting for our lunch. When we're done eating, we searched the mall for something to buy as a "pasalubong" for our loved ones. Then, we left and headed back to Pasay. This time, we didn't dare to take the jeep after experiencing that two-hour ride going there. We rode LRT and enjoyed the ride back. :)

It was just a short celebration. It may not be the best there is but what's important is we're together and we're happy most of the time. Yeah, 'most' of the time because like any other couples out there, we also had our share of misunderstandings and fights. But at the end of the day, we kiss and make-up. Thank God. ^_^

More photos of us soon! I hope..