Saturday, October 23, 2010

My Latest Pictures :)

I love how I look here in this photo. When I posted this picture in my FB account, I know my friends were shocked. I don't wear shorts. I am always a jeans-and-shirts type of girl. :) This one is some kind of a transformation on my part.

It's kinda enjoying when you wear clothes that aren't so you. He-he. I'm always afraid to wear shorts and skirts because I have so many scars in my legs. They're all over my legs. :)

Yes. I'm at the beach and this is how I savor the moment. He-he. :) Masbate beaches are far way good looking than other beaches.

I like how my cousin captured this moment in my life. :) Of all the pictures she took (with me as the subject of course), this one's my favorite.

I look like I own the mangroves in this area. FYI, the beach my family and I visited for a one day break from stress is actually a mangrove sanctuary in our province. :)

I think I love my smile here. He-he!

That's how the beach look like. It's an islet. He-he. Just a 15-minute sea travel from my place. :)

My last photo before the camera said "Charge the batteries". :))