Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ham's Cup 3rd Anniversary :)

Group picture with my batchmates during high school days. I barely can't get a picture of my face in here. :)

Another group picture with them. The night's awesome! Might as well not spoil it. Ü

Cool stuffs! :)

Wish they had it for real. You know, large drinks. Haha.

Fun won't be complete without these two by my side. ♥

With my brothers and sisters in Christ. :) Go SFC! Witwew! Ü

My personal favorite! :) Beautiful! Hehe.

We're looking at another camera. That's why it looks like this! Hehe. :0

A photo with the owner of the restaurant/cafe. The handsome guy on the far right. :)

Can't get enough of it. Hehe.

I really am enjoying the night! On my way to our table after I claiming the prize I won. :)