Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Since I had forgotten about you for a long time, I wasn't able to tell you that I'm already working as a Job Order in a government agency. I was employed here on October 18 last year and yeah, I just had my first year here. Yey! I wasn't expecting this blessing to last for a year since I was told to just fill-in the job for just a week.

And just this month, I don't have much work to do that's why my boss asked me to encode that thick record book. I was kinda hesitant since it's handwritten and I am having trouble deciphering her cursive font. Tsk. I had been been working on it for three now and I'm not even reaching the half of that, not even a quarter. Poor me.

But hey! I don't have a poor typing skill okay? In fact, I am good at it. Hahaha.

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God's Gift

'Cause God gave each one of us a gift that we truly deserve. It so happen that he's mine. :) Every day, I thank God for giving him to me.

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