Monday, November 15, 2010

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Ü

Have I told you how much I love Harry Potter? If I hadn't, then you should know by now. This day, I decided to watch the first among the seven series of the movie. The reason why? Well, I want to re-live the moment I first saw Daniel Radcliffe. He's still a boy yet he nevertheless captured my heart. From then on, I became a huge fan of the movie. :) So here are among the screen capture I did while watching the movie. ♥

I actually loved what Dumbledore said here to Hagrid. It feels like it's the same message he wants to say to the fans of Harry Potter especially now that the last series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is out.

Hmmm in reality? Yes, there's none. But sometimes, it's a relaxing thought that sometimes there are magic that doesn't really need to be seen. It's something that you actually feel. And the next thing you knew, you are enjoying that feeling. Speaking based on personal experience. :)

I love how he displayed his denial here yet it certainly shows humility. What a good character he has! That's why I can't get over him. ♥

I must say, Harry Potter is not the only famous one here. Since the first time the movie was released, Daniel Radcliffe who portrayed the role of the Boy Who Lived became world wide famous too. How could he not? He's the one putting life into the book character, and I must say, he has done it like no others could do it. 

And this is the part where the underlying connection of Voldemort and Harry Potter were first revealed. Ü Two powerful wizards: one who made terrible yet great things, one who is about to commit great things.

Yes it does. :) The wand is like an extension of the wizard's body. Isn't it amazing if we too have that kind of tool? I mean, it must be cool looking for the wand that certainly fits your character and someone will lift up your spirit by saying, "The wand chooses the wizard." 

Love at first sight? OBVIOUSLY NOT! Both had perfectly no idea that they had just introduced each other to the ones they're going to spend their lifetime with. ♥  Awwww. That's a sweet thought right?

Yes. Dumbledore got it right. Past is past. What's important is the present for one wrong move, and again you will be regretting it for the rest of your life. One must not live with the "What if's?" of life. One must do something to stop thinking and put all the effort into action. :) Am I making sense here too? Well, I hope so.