Sunday, December 16, 2012

In-fairy-ness! :)

Last night, I was a fairy. It was a great experience for me. It's our Christmas party in Singles for Christ (SFC) and the theme of the party is a fashion show. Each household group will experience being on the red carpet flaunting their own theme. My group's was fairies. We're 4 on the group and our pockets were emptied because of our costume. We had our dress tailored at a discounted price which is Php300, our hair and make-up for Php200 to which I was very disappointed with the result, our wings for Php250 each. Whew! Not only that. We have to buy the materials needed for our dress so more or less, it was Php265.

Setting aside the expenses, it was all worth it. :) I felt beautiful in the end because I asked from friend to add a little make-up on me.

I had fun. We all had fun. I hope we could still use our costume in the future. :p

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