Friday, March 21, 2014

Dearest boyfriend,

First off, I want to tell you how much I miss you. We haven't seen each other for four days now and though it's not the longest time that we're not together, missing you is still the same. Like I've told you before, I miss you even when we're feeling the warmth of each other's presence. How much more if we're not, right?

I'm writing you this letter as a sign that you will be the last boyfriend this blog will ever heard of (or read?). I'm sorry if you weren't the first but hey! Being the last is a much sweeter thought, right? Lalove, I know that our relationship is still immature but thank you for exerting so much effort to make it work. I may not be the nicest girlfriend out there but thank you for sticking through thick and thin. Thank you for putting up with my temper. I know how hard I am to deal with especially when I'm already mad. Thank you for not walking out on me though there were times that you did but only because I told you to leave me alone. Thank you for being the calm one because I am not. Our tempers are perfectly matched so thank God I found you. Thank you for accepting all my flaws. Thank you for still loving me inspite of hearing and learning about my past. Thank you because even though I'm not perfect, you're still proud to have me in your life. You're not ashamed of holding my hands in public. Even the way you look at me, God knows how much my heart melts. The effect's still the same since day one. I wasn't even told that that's possible you know.

Boy, I don't know what will happen to me if you're not in my life anymore. I can't imagine living a life without you. I know how cliche that sounded but I hope fate won't have the nerve to test me because I seriously don't know how to handle that. It's like I won't be me if there won't be you in it. The thought of you loving me all throughout makes me smile every time. Yeah, beat that.

This journey is long. I don't wish to go on without us holding hands, walking side by side. You make the journey much easier lalove. I hope you realize that. I pray to God every chance I have to bless our relationship and allow us to be together forever. I have prayed the same prayer in the past with my past relationships and I know why it didn't work. Simply because I did not exert much effort. I only prayed for it. You know, they say that "faith without action is dead". I believe that now. With that belief in mind, I don't only pray. I put in effort the same way that you do.

I can't wait for the day you'll meet me at the altar. I can't wait for the day you'll stand beside me as we face God in one of His houses. We both know that we're not perfect and we're sinners but we both believe that God will be the center of our relationship. Aside from us, we need Him to make this last.

I love you to infinity and beyond. I love you the same way that you love me, perhaps even greater. Whatever.


Claire <3