Monday, November 1, 2010

A 2-Day Experience with the YFC Chronicles

Tita Josie (talking to somebody on the phone), Jap Jap, Joshua, Kleyr. This is the first picture I took while on our way to Camarines Norte to attend the Regional Youth Conference (RYC). :) We're on the fastcraft on this picture, a water vessel that took us to Pilar Port from Masbate.

My fellow YFC's on the bus. We are on our way to Daet, Camarines Norte.

That's me of course. Ha-ha!

Team Masbate of the Amazing Race. From left to right: Jason, Felip, Jason, Jim, and Miko. Too bad they did not won. He-he. But I know for sure that they enjoyed the game. :)

It's not a rally okay? He-he. Mhelex (the girl in the hood) is giving instructions for the Amazing Race.

A quality time spent with my pash Banoi. Our term of endearment (no, we're not lovers) is Pash because we used to be partners during our PCG times in Albay. I missed him. I missed laughing with him. I missed working with him. The RYC is the best moment for us to be reunited again. :)

Ha-ha! We thought he's going to buy burgers for us but instead he said to the vendor "Pabili po ng walong sugo." Ha-ha. It's a junk food worth one peso. But of course we do appreciate the thought. :) Because at that time, we're still not having our lunch yet.

Daet, Camarines Norte is also famous for being the first town to have built the first monument of Jose P. Rizal. That is how it looks like. I mean, that is how the top of the monument looks like. :)

Yes, we are proud to be YFC Bicol! :)

Whoa! I missed them. They are the ever supportive and loving Titas of Albay, Tita Wen and Tita Malou. :)

That's how our stage looked like. Anyway, the people here comprises of the CFC Council with the Daet, Cam Norte's Bishop (I forgot the name though)...

This is how we worship the Lord. This is how YFC Bicol raises their hands to give praises to God.

May Ann, Me, and Marvz. :)

This is how united Bicol Region is. The man near the cross is Kuya Sonny, our Region Head. God truly used Kuya Sonny as his instrument to re-ignite the fire burning in the hearts of the Bicolanos.

This is how happy we are to receive the sole special award of our province, "Most Inspiring Delegates".. For how many years, we have won that award several times. Ha-ha. But we are proud of it! It only shows how God is working in us. :) As what the famous line says, "Many were called but few were chosen."

YFC Masbate with our ever supportive and cool coordinator, Tita Josie. :)

This is how it looks like: a miniature of the first monument of Jose P. Rizal, our National Hero.

Reunited again after how many months, perhaps years. Ha-ha! That's my ate Bhem. I mean Bicol's Ate Bhem. Looking at her now, I realize how generous the Lord could be. :) Amen???

YFC Masbate with Kuya Sonny. ^^,

We are all created in the IMAGE and LIKENESS of GOD. Ü

I missed serving the Lord with these lovely ladies. :) From left, Keem, Anne, Me, and Ate Bhem.

YFC BICOL. Need I say more? Look at the next picture. There's definitely MORE. Ha-ha!

See these smiles? That's how we love picture taking. :)

My one and only Bobbie. :) He-he. I missed this guy so much. He's fun to be with. ABSOLUTELY NO DULL MOMENT WITH HIM. Too bad he's so busy during the conference that's why I only had a share of small talks with him. But still I'm happy for how the Lord blessed my brother. :)

Last picture of the venue before taking off. :)

Picture taking while waiting for the RORO ship to accomodate us inside. We all need a rest. What a tiring journey.