Wednesday, November 10, 2010

JV's Birthday Celebration

So a friend celebrated his birthday last November 9, 2010. That's him below! His name's a little longer  so we call him JV instead. Anyway, here are some pictures taken during his celebration. Our class is a bit cliquish when it comes to picture taking. Good thing is there are some pictures with our batchmates who were also there to celebrate JV's birthday.

Jose Vicente Aristoteles Aguilar. :)

A picture with him. :) Of course we really should have a picture together. He-he! We share the same last name.

The three musketeers. :) Just kidding! The three Aguilar of the party: Jeross Aguilar, Claire Aguilar, JV Aguilar. I personally requested us three to have a picture all together. ^^,

Me, Jill, Mitch, Nix. Aren't we so adorable? Ha-ha! Well, we're just girls who wanna have fun.

And fun for us is this! Yey! Picture taking. I so love my girlfriends! ♥


We even find a good background to take this shot. Unbelievable!

Us girls again with Jacques, the only thorn among the roses. Awwwww!

Wait 'til you see the next picture...

OOPS! Not your everyday picture shot. :) He-he!

First picture with my other batch mates who attended the party too. :)

I'm getting a little bit wackier. Ha-ha!

This is what you call COOPERATION (in a sarcastic tone).. :)

Lovely ladies. ♥

Girls over Jeross. :) COOL!

I'm going to make a story out of this picture one of these days. Ha-ha! Their facial expressions were AWESOME! :)

Okay. I look spooky here! 0_o

With Jill. :) She's pretty isn't she?


THAT'S ME! Who else could it be? Anyway, I was singing with all my heart. Ha-ha! Can't remember how many songs I sang that night. ♥

The Black Aguilar with the White Aguilar. Ha-ha!

Looks like a family picture. Ha-ha! From left to right: JV, Claire, Mitch, Anthony, Jill. :)

We're just goofing around. Posing anything we like before the camera strikes. LOL! :)

I like this picture for two reasons: one, we look good in purple and two, it's me with my girlfriend Pagz. :)

Oh no! Here he goes again! Anthony likes to take the microphone away from me and finish the song for himself. Hmp!

We were asked by Jacques (the one who took the shot) to sit like that. Anthony though got the instruction wrong. Ha-ha! See how he enjoys to goof around? 0_o

Ha-ha! I am a supporter of DAYAN. That's our governor. He-he! Chairs at JV's place got lots of them. :)

Is he good-looking? Hmmmmm. Take a closer look. Ü And you'll know that he is.

Partey-partey! (in a Vice Ganda tune). Yey! Oops! The birthday boy's surely don't wanna miss a thing. :)

This one looks real nice.♥

Sometimes, it's fun posing like a flirt. Ha-ha!

I don't have any explanations why I posed like that. Just let it be like that.

I love how I edited it. Ha-ha! :)

Woops! I won't tell your secret if you won't tell mine. ^^,

Doing some photo trick but I guess it failed. Ha-ha! At least we tried. :)

I quite can't understand why I convinced Anthony to do this. Ha-ha! Seeing it now, I look terrible. Tsk.


I edited it to make it like this. Don't you like it?

Jacques Ray Esber. Ü Can't say much. He might kill me! Ha-ha!

For more photos of the event, you can find it here.