Monday, October 25, 2010

Post Birthday Celebration

Just posting pictures that are not so like me. He-he. Actually, this is the first time I wear shorts for an outing at the beach with family, relatives, and friends. It's a post-celebration of my birthday at one of the islets in Masbate. The name of the place is Magcaraguit. It's a 20-minute boat ride from Kalpe, Dimasalang. The property is owned by the town Mayor. :) It's a refreshing site there, promise!

Photo Shoot with my Cousin Ü

Pictures from the Past

This is my first SHOUT (Summer House Training) as a member of the PCG (Provincial Core Group) of Albay. This is where I grow. It's one of the moments in my life where I want to go back and feel again the sense of belongingness. Haaaay.

The Albay Sisters. I love them all. Too bad I don't have a time machine to turn back time the way it was before. All of us had moved on. All of us had our own lives to think about. But I do hope that we still share that same love we shared before. I missed being with them. :'(

If my memory is right, this is my second SHOUT held at Camarines Sur. :)