Monday, November 29, 2010

Another blessing from God Ü

Being a godmother of my friend's daughter is indeed another blessing from God. I mean, it is not every day that you are given a chance to be part of a child's life right? And so, I posted some pictures here to be reminded that being her second parent makes me proud. 

They're the real parents of Railaine Jamaiah Esber. The father's my friend and the mother's not from here in Masbate. Great combination aren't they? :)

The first godparents to came. From left to right: Divine, Maiah, Claire, Angela. 

Her handsome "ninongs". Ü

Her pretty "ninangs". Ü

Time will come that she will realize how lucky she is for having us as her godparents. :)

This is the part where she's suppose to choose which ones to pick: a rosary beads, a piece of money, a ballpen, or a food formula. She chose none! Haha! Maybe she's just confused of what to do with the things in front of her. Ü

Picture first before we eat. Ü

Photo by: Ivan LopezPhoto by: Ivan LopezPhoto by: Ivan LopezPhoto by: Ivan Lopez

Monday, November 22, 2010

Am I Vain?

Just So You Know...

Actions speak louder than words. Ü

A Recent Photo of Myself Ü

I don't know exactly what I am trying to portray here. All I know is that I should come up with a face that says "I'm sorry." and this is the result. I think I failed. Ha-ha! I end up being "pa-cute". :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Can't Stop Goofing Around =P

Today's My Fool's Day! Ü

...and it actually worked! I looked like a fool. A lovely fool! Ha-ha! Ü

After taking a night shower. Ü

Haha! I don't know why but I kinda enjoyed what I did earlier. You know, taking photos of me after taking a shower. :)

This is my favorite part on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It's a very touching moment for me. It made me shed a tear actuually. I don't know but it always touches a part in my heart every time I read what Sirius had told Harry here. His voice echoes in my head too. Ü 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

See? I wasn't lying when I told you we'll build better memories this time.
You still gave me that butterfly feelings inside my stomache. iloveyou.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Ü

Have I told you how much I love Harry Potter? If I hadn't, then you should know by now. This day, I decided to watch the first among the seven series of the movie. The reason why? Well, I want to re-live the moment I first saw Daniel Radcliffe. He's still a boy yet he nevertheless captured my heart. From then on, I became a huge fan of the movie. :) So here are among the screen capture I did while watching the movie. ♥

I actually loved what Dumbledore said here to Hagrid. It feels like it's the same message he wants to say to the fans of Harry Potter especially now that the last series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is out.

Hmmm in reality? Yes, there's none. But sometimes, it's a relaxing thought that sometimes there are magic that doesn't really need to be seen. It's something that you actually feel. And the next thing you knew, you are enjoying that feeling. Speaking based on personal experience. :)

I love how he displayed his denial here yet it certainly shows humility. What a good character he has! That's why I can't get over him. ♥

I must say, Harry Potter is not the only famous one here. Since the first time the movie was released, Daniel Radcliffe who portrayed the role of the Boy Who Lived became world wide famous too. How could he not? He's the one putting life into the book character, and I must say, he has done it like no others could do it. 

And this is the part where the underlying connection of Voldemort and Harry Potter were first revealed. Ü Two powerful wizards: one who made terrible yet great things, one who is about to commit great things.

Yes it does. :) The wand is like an extension of the wizard's body. Isn't it amazing if we too have that kind of tool? I mean, it must be cool looking for the wand that certainly fits your character and someone will lift up your spirit by saying, "The wand chooses the wizard." 

Love at first sight? OBVIOUSLY NOT! Both had perfectly no idea that they had just introduced each other to the ones they're going to spend their lifetime with. ♥  Awwww. That's a sweet thought right?

Yes. Dumbledore got it right. Past is past. What's important is the present for one wrong move, and again you will be regretting it for the rest of your life. One must not live with the "What if's?" of life. One must do something to stop thinking and put all the effort into action. :) Am I making sense here too? Well, I hope so.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Learn How to Count Your Blessings :)

If someone will ask me "How do you define blessings?", I will turn-on my laptop, connect it to the Internet, and will show him this post.

I love them. Time may not be enough for us all to get to know each other but I'm happy for God had allowed me to be within this group.. to be with people whom I know I can share laughters and tears with..

Six different souls called to serve the Lord.
Six different minds combined to share ideas.
Six different hearts committed to love another.
Six different girls willed the Lord to meet.


Home Made Christmas Tree :)

We don't have a Christmas tree at home. So instead of buying a new one, my brother and I decided to use the old trunk he has in his room and buy some Christmas decorations. After working on it for about an hour, tsada! :) Our personalized Christmas tree! Ha-ha! I'm proud of it because it's the first time I exerted effort to have a Christmas decoration at home.. be it something you buy from the store or something you worked real hard. And so, we wait for Christmas to happen... Ü 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Guess what's my new hobby?! Tsaran! It's to put colors to coloring books. Ü It's the luxury I quite didn't enjoy during my childhood years.. Haaaaaaay. Coloring done me good effects as of now. It helped me to relax. :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

17 Again

I downloaded this movie last month I think but it's only yesterday that I had the luxury to watched it. Well, the story went great. I love this part here. Not that I like Zac Efron or don't-know-the-name-of-the-girl here but I love what Zac said. Every girl really deserves that boy who treats her the way that she deserves to be treated. =)


(NOTE: You can download the movie here.)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I missed doing stuffs like that for someone I love. And I’m glad that I can be cheesy again. ♥

"US" again. ♥

That's our first picture together way back on 2008. When that photo was taken, we're not yet officially in a relationship with one another. 
Anyway, I posted this picture as a reminder of our past. It's us again. I hope we'll make it right this time.
I love him. He loves me. END OF STORY.