Saturday, December 25, 2010

My Woman.

The woman who's responsible for who I am today. My mom. I love you mommy. ♥

First Picture with my fave Grandmother. :)

I love her with all my ♥. She's a very special woman in my heart. The mother of my biological father. The grandmother to many. But nevertheless, the greatest person who's so close to my ♥.
I love you Mama. :)

You're saying something?

...sometimes you got my tongue tied. =P

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ham's Cup 3rd Anniversary :)

Group picture with my batchmates during high school days. I barely can't get a picture of my face in here. :)

Another group picture with them. The night's awesome! Might as well not spoil it. Ü

Cool stuffs! :)

Wish they had it for real. You know, large drinks. Haha.

Fun won't be complete without these two by my side. ♥

With my brothers and sisters in Christ. :) Go SFC! Witwew! Ü

My personal favorite! :) Beautiful! Hehe.

We're looking at another camera. That's why it looks like this! Hehe. :0

A photo with the owner of the restaurant/cafe. The handsome guy on the far right. :)

Can't get enough of it. Hehe.

I really am enjoying the night! On my way to our table after I claiming the prize I won. :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Another Christmas Party. :)

Do I still have to describe the photos? As the saying goes, "A picture paints a thousand words." But let me describe the feeling though. All I can say is that, Le-Camp Tutorial Center surely did made my 2010 remarkable because of the party they allowed me to join in. :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kiddie Us. :)

Okay. We were asked to wear something that will make us look like a kid for our Christmas Party last December 12, 2010. The costume is part of the Kiddie Party theme we were portraying. :)
From left to right: Mitch, Joy, Claire, Nica. 

Same party people with sis Anj, the lady without a headband. Ü That's our wacky pose for the night. 

I don't like how I look like here but I still want to post this since it's me with my household sisters: Ate Cathy, Tenshi, and Joy. :)

I'm posting this because I love how we look like here. ♥

Monday, December 6, 2010

Recent Photo of Me. :)

Fierce Lady. :)