Friday, January 28, 2011

Boyfie :)

Take a look at what I've done to his hair. :)

The task brought a warm feeling to my heart since he's a big guy...

...and surprisingly, he allowed me to make fun of his hair that day.

Ugh! I'm missing him everyday. :'(
I find him cute that day. I Know he's not but for me, HE IS! Ü

Monday, January 24, 2011

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Ü

This is my favorite line in the movie. Ooops! Lines I mean. :0 Anyway, it's really true. Are you with me on this opinion or not? :)

Hello there! How have you been? I always forgot to update my blogspot. I'm sorry.
Anyway, I've been busy lately. Busy about my lovelife. LOL! But I'm so happy. So happy that I can't help but to feel *kilig* always. :)
I'll try to post more pictures next time okay? God bless to you dear reader. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm posting this for a very simple reason: I like how I smiled here. :)