Sunday, April 3, 2011

Into the wilds. =P

Just beaching around. :)

Celebration :)

That's me singing. I love singing though I admit I am not good at it. :)

My first visitors. Hehe. :)

The power of self-timer. :) They decided to eat inside my room while net surfing.

The second one to arrived. :)

They arrived while I was away. :) That's Twinkle and her 10-month old baby.

Good thing was, they're still at home when I arrived. They waited for me before they eat their dinner. Tsk.

Ivan was just messing the picture. Tsk. You and your dirty-finger! Hmp!

Cute! Another self-timer job. :)

My hand's really a tripod. Haha.

Whew! Baby Angel. :)

She got teary-eyed after reading the synopsis of the story. Ha-ha!

I don't know what they are doing but it seemed like they were having a contest on blowing their cellphones. :)

So the two were done and Peach's still having a hard time. Ha-ha!


She's smiling like that when her mom was putting on her jacket. Must be because she was excited to go home? He-he.

You are so gaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! ♥