Saturday, August 13, 2011

Birthday Gifts. :))

Dress courtesy of my bestfriend and, har and make-up by my friend Peach.

Cute animal head cover by Namee, a brother-in-Christ and boyfriend of my bestfriend.

Letters from my YFC family. :)

Flowers from JV. :)

One Heart shirt from my household leader, Ate Cathy. <3

A birthday card and picture of us from Mischell, my Pagz. :))

A cute pink dolphin pen holder from my sister-in-Christ Richelle. Mwah! :))

Food from brother Jannery. :) It came with a packed dried mangoes. I gave it to my mother. :)

Shoes from my friend Angela. :)

Non-alcoholic drink from Kuya Bitz. :)

Goya chocolates from my brother Oben. <3

Gift from my another brother, Susoy. :) He gave it to me so I can buy the memory card I was hoping from him as a gift. :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011


The same friend who cut my hair for a bangs did this. Well, not entirely. But yeah, she did curl my hair then put it in a bun (the Korean inspired style) for how many hours. I was wearing that hairstyle around the city with a tomboyish outfit.
After dropping me off at my house, she insisted on laying down my hair to take a look on my curly hair before going home.
In this photo, I put on a little lipstick, dressed up a bit, and there you go! :) I looked like a girl! Haha. Finally!

Korean Inspired Look :)

So my friend experimented me. Haha. Whatever! She tried cutting my hair to produce her desired bangs' style for me. Also, because she's so much in love and inspired by Oh Ha Ni in the Korean Series "Playful Kiss", she tried doing it also with ME as her first trial. It went well and I looked okay according to my friends so thank to her. ^^,