Saturday, December 29, 2012

Good morning!

I am a fan of the morning light. :) Please do well today. God bless!

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Karaoke Scores :)

My boyfriend and I played a game. We chose 5 songs from the karaoke machine and sang it alternately. After each song, we wrote down the score. So ten songs equals ten scores. It's clearly written that we had one tie and he only won once. Haha. Poor him! The loser will follow the winner's commands. Hahaha. I got myself a personal servant. Yahoo! I love him so much. He does whatever it is that will make me happy. :)

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

In-fairy-ness! :)

Last night, I was a fairy. It was a great experience for me. It's our Christmas party in Singles for Christ (SFC) and the theme of the party is a fashion show. Each household group will experience being on the red carpet flaunting their own theme. My group's was fairies. We're 4 on the group and our pockets were emptied because of our costume. We had our dress tailored at a discounted price which is Php300, our hair and make-up for Php200 to which I was very disappointed with the result, our wings for Php250 each. Whew! Not only that. We have to buy the materials needed for our dress so more or less, it was Php265.

Setting aside the expenses, it was all worth it. :) I felt beautiful in the end because I asked from friend to add a little make-up on me.

I had fun. We all had fun. I hope we could still use our costume in the future. :p

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

What's under our Christmas tree?

Stuffed toys. :) The next time I saw our Christmas tree after it was put out and was decorated, it looked lonely with it being bare under. Since we don't have gifts yet (I don't know if we'll have one), I put our stuffed toys there. :) Looking at it now, it seemed livelier than before.

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Can't think of any caption for a face like mine.

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Thursday, November 29, 2012


Early gifts for my siblings. I ordered them from my officemate. She made these crafts from clays and hardened them in an oven. Pretty much right? Its affordable too. The first three letters were Php50 and an Php8 will be charge per letter on the next letters. :)

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Monday, November 19, 2012

My nails remind me that Christmas is near. :) I love the feeling it creates in me. Makes me appreciate it more and more each day.

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

My Room :)

Rearranged the stuffs and voila! I love how it turned out. It may not be the BEST bedroom out there but for me, it is. The best bedroom for me equals COMFORT and  this, need I say more? I had the best morning today because I wake up in the most comfortable bed ever! Fits my lifestyle!
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hunter X Hunter

I missed watching my favorite anime. I forgot already the last episode of the remake I was. I'll check it later so I could watch it.

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sleeping Mother

It's only 6pm and my mom's already asleep. Must be tired because of work. After learning how to use her new and first touch-screen phone, she chose a music from the MP3, put it on the floor then closed her eyes. She's just taking a nap. She'll wake up for dinner.

I love my mom. I honor her for all her hardwork. :) And I thank God for allowing me to be her daughter. We may not be as close as other mothers and daughters out there but that doesn't mean I love her less or she's not the best mother. She has her own way of being a mother and we all appreciate that. :)

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Finished 'til the end :')

Yey! I started reading this yesterday and now, I'm done with it. What an inspiring account of heaven's reality. After reading this, I know I am now blessed and found a purpose in life: to know more about God and to believe on the unbelievables. While it's true that to see is to believe, it doesn't has to apply on EVERYTHING. Sometimes, we just have to believe whether we see it or not. :)

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Snapshot of the verse on the sixth chapter of the book. :)

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90 Minutes in Heaven

I have been reading this true story the whole morning, well at least during office hours. I can't put it down (until I was blogging this,hehe) because I find it an interesting one. While I was reading it, I feel like I was with him during his journey. I'm on Chapter 6 already and plans to finish this the whole morning. :)

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Saturday, November 3, 2012


Recent photo of me. :) I am beautiful. I know so. Hahaha.

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Friday, November 2, 2012

New bed. :)

Check out my new bed. :) My mother and I swapped beds. Mine's a king sized bed while theirs was a queen sized. My mother said that she keeps on falling in this bed. My step dad was thin and my mom's the opposite. Hehe.

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Nail Art.

Done with my sister's nails. Whew! Took me more than an hour. I realized that it's not as simple as it looked like. Hehe. Better luck next time I guess.

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Thursday, November 1, 2012


So far, this is my favorite part of my room. :) The sketches were gifts on my birthday last August. Gon of Hunter X Hunter was drawn by my sister and the other sketch was from my boyfriend. Thanks to his artistic friend. Hahaha.

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Look at my IDs in YFC and in SFC. Whew! Just done fixing my Regional as well as International Leaders Conference IDs. I had to note their respective years and places for me to remember them. Some were missing though. Too bad.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Monthsary Gift.

My boyfriend's gift for me. Aww. Simple but sincere. <3

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Since I had forgotten about you for a long time, I wasn't able to tell you that I'm already working as a Job Order in a government agency. I was employed here on October 18 last year and yeah, I just had my first year here. Yey! I wasn't expecting this blessing to last for a year since I was told to just fill-in the job for just a week.

And just this month, I don't have much work to do that's why my boss asked me to encode that thick record book. I was kinda hesitant since it's handwritten and I am having trouble deciphering her cursive font. Tsk. I had been been working on it for three now and I'm not even reaching the half of that, not even a quarter. Poor me.

But hey! I don't have a poor typing skill okay? In fact, I am good at it. Hahaha.

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God's Gift

'Cause God gave each one of us a gift that we truly deserve. It so happen that he's mine. :) Every day, I thank God for giving him to me.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hello! I'm back! And this time, it's for good. I hope I could update this blog of mine at least everyday.
I just love photos. I love taking pictures of different subjects and of course, myself as well.
I do hope I could express my love for photography here.
Help me okay?
Lots of love. :)