Tuesday, October 26, 2010

That's me with my favorite cousin. :) He's such a cutie. Plus, he's also intelligent like me. Ha-ha. At the age of 5, he can read already.

TRIVIA: We have the same birthday, August 12. :))

Monday, October 25, 2010

Post Birthday Celebration

Just posting pictures that are not so like me. He-he. Actually, this is the first time I wear shorts for an outing at the beach with family, relatives, and friends. It's a post-celebration of my birthday at one of the islets in Masbate. The name of the place is Magcaraguit. It's a 20-minute boat ride from Kalpe, Dimasalang. The property is owned by the town Mayor. :) It's a refreshing site there, promise!

Photo Shoot with my Cousin Ü

Pictures from the Past

This is my first SHOUT (Summer House Training) as a member of the PCG (Provincial Core Group) of Albay. This is where I grow. It's one of the moments in my life where I want to go back and feel again the sense of belongingness. Haaaay.

The Albay Sisters. I love them all. Too bad I don't have a time machine to turn back time the way it was before. All of us had moved on. All of us had our own lives to think about. But I do hope that we still share that same love we shared before. I missed being with them. :'(

If my memory is right, this is my second SHOUT held at Camarines Sur. :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Wacky Moments :)

Waaaaah! I look creepy here. Oh no! I don't want this to happen ever that's why I'm always taking good care of my teeth. I always SMILE. :)

This one's more creepier. Ha-ha! I look so ugly! Yuck!

Good morning. :)

Around 6:30am, after saying a little prayer to our God, I prepared my laundry. Though my mom hired someone to do the washing of clothes, I am the one who washes mine.

After washing 21 pieces of shirts, that's how it looked like. My hands were wounded again. For your information, whenever I do my laundry, it's always handwashed. We don't have a washing machine in our home. That's my first time to wash my clothes that are more than 15 pieces. Whoa.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My Latest Pictures :)

I love how I look here in this photo. When I posted this picture in my FB account, I know my friends were shocked. I don't wear shorts. I am always a jeans-and-shirts type of girl. :) This one is some kind of a transformation on my part.

It's kinda enjoying when you wear clothes that aren't so you. He-he. I'm always afraid to wear shorts and skirts because I have so many scars in my legs. They're all over my legs. :)

Yes. I'm at the beach and this is how I savor the moment. He-he. :) Masbate beaches are far way good looking than other beaches.

I like how my cousin captured this moment in my life. :) Of all the pictures she took (with me as the subject of course), this one's my favorite.

I look like I own the mangroves in this area. FYI, the beach my family and I visited for a one day break from stress is actually a mangrove sanctuary in our province. :)

I think I love my smile here. He-he!

That's how the beach look like. It's an islet. He-he. Just a 15-minute sea travel from my place. :)

My last photo before the camera said "Charge the batteries". :))

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Millionaire's First Love

Okay. Here's a fact: I love watching Korean movies. Actually I can't help but buy DVDs that have Korean movies, especially DVD collections. That was before I don't have an Internet. Now that I do, I just searched for a Korean movie torrent, and download it. Very impressive right? Ha-ha! And I say, this one has captured my heart the first time I watched it.

I am not the kind of person who shed a tear from watching dramatic movies. But when I watched this film, OMG, I have to strain my self from crying. Tsk. I love every thing about this movie. Though it's a typical Korean story plot (someone has to die fyi), there is something unique about it. I can't really put it into words. Perhaps you must see it for yourself.

The main characters are Kang Jae-Kyung, played by Hyun Bin (popularly known as Cyrus in the Tagalized "Kim Sam Soon"), and Choi Eun-Whan, played by Lee Yeon Hee.

For the story plot, you can read it here.

I love this scene here. It is their class picture and that's how Lee Yeon Hee posed for the camera. With this simple gesture, you can truly feel the love they have for each other.

This scene here is the tear-rifying moment. Aww. She's about to die. See the tears from the guy's face? Yeah, that's how cute he is when he cries. Anyway, this part always brought goosebumps in me whenever I watch this movie. I can't help but to think what if she doesn't have to die, how will the story end? Because honestly, it's too bad to waste such love they shared. Tsk.

So what are you waiting for? Go and download it here. I hope you enjoy watching it the same thing I did. :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Guess Who I'm Talking To? :)

I'm talking to my super friend at that moment. The reason behind the facial expression? He told me that he was calling me while he was peeing! How gross is that? Anyway, he's just kidding. But too late for that because I already made the expression. He-he.

Actually, I took a lot of pictures of me  while I was talking to him. You can look at it here. :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Source: click here


After how many self-timer shots, finally I got a good shot. He-he. I got the jersey from my brother who happened to be a tennis player last intramural days of his school. I asked if I could have it since I never had a jersey on my own. I was never an athlete. Another reason why I want it is because of the number 7. Aside from number 12, that's my favorite number because of Akira Sendoh, a character in the Anime series "Slamdunk".
I'm so happy to have that jersey even if it's so big on me. What kLeyR wants, kLeyR gets. Ha-ha!

See? 0_0

Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Birthday!

A happy birthday to my dearest brother. I love you more than words can say. Ate might be a pain in the ass sometimes, but believe me, YOU ARE TOO. ha-ha. Anyway, I hope you do appreciate my effort to show my love and care for you. My prayers are always with you brother. Mwah! Have a happy birthday this year! :)

He Was Cool

I love Korean movies. It amazes how they are able to create romantic films that will make girls melt and imagine their own love doing those things for them. Plus, their actors and actresses are very professional. They are so cute too. :)
 I highly recommend this movie guys. to download it, go here

Photo Editors

I love photo editors. Though I am not that creative, I just want to make my raw pictures beautiful.
So here are the samples.

I edited it from an online photoeditor. Click here if you want to try it.

Here's another sample. I edited it from another available online photoeditor. You visit this site here. I highly recommend this site to you if you also love photoediting yet you don't want to be in so much trouble downloading photo editor softwares.

The photo editor I used in this picture is a downloadable photo editing software. You can download it here. It's friendly user and the good thing about it is that you can edit pictures anytime you want. Plus, the fonts are dependent on the fonts installed in your computer. Click here for downloadable fonts.

Last but not the least, the photoshop. Would you mind trying this site? I'm not sure though if its working. I mean, mine wasn't downloaded. It was installed by a friend. Anyway, if it's not working, try any of these. I think the photoshop's there is CS4. If you want other version of the software, find it here.

So that's it! I hope I helped somehow. :) Enjoy!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Korean Encounter :)

This is Jae U Shin, a 7-year-old Korean. I taught him English sometime in February. He studied at our Tutorial Center with his brother Dong U Shin, a 9-year-old boy.

He's such a cutie. You won't think there's a Korean blood in him for there are no traces in his physique.

His father is Korean while his mother is a Filipina. A Masbateña to be exact. He and his brother stayed here in Masbate at their grandmother's place. So every afternoon, they were brought by their Lola to our tutorial center.

My first impression of this boy is that HE IS ANNOYING! I find it hard teaching him for one hour. His interests in his studies is not that, well, ummm, strong. He is so makulit. One time, when I brought my camera to take a picture of him, and he saw it, he stopped writing and willingly pose for the camera.

But there are times when he is so adorable. He's so sweet. That's why no matter how pain in the ass he is, I still find that one hour of the day memorable.

I can't help but to smile like that whenever he's making a face. I can truly say that this boy here captured my heart long time ago. Every day with him is an experience I will truly treasure.

I missed him. I missed this little guy in this picture. One day, he and his brother stopped going to our tutorial center. I waited for him to come for a few more days but no Jae U shin or Dong U Shin came.

Until someone told me that his grandmother came and told everything about the sudden disappearances to classes. She said that they were fetched by their mother here in Masbate and brought them back to Korea. Their father was so mad when he learned that his children were missing and he was going to file charges against the mother. So the mother has no other choice but to bring her children back to their father.

This picture was the last picture of us together. He's still in my mind. I can't get him out there. Anyway, I hope he's in his best condition. :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Library Update

I love watching movies. :) So as of the moment, these movies are the reasons why my storage devices are almost full. Ha-ha!

TRIVIA: I just love downloading movies. But actually, I haven't watch all of them yet. 

YFC Covenant Orientation :)

That's my favorite pose when a camera strikes and there's a lot of people watching. :)

Tita Josie (YFC Masbate Provincial Couple Coordinator) and Tita Tess (YFC High School Based Coordinator) They're truly a blessing to the YFC Masbate. :)

There's Joshua. One of my favorite YFC. I first met him when he was still a KFC and he's so makulit. Every time I see him, he reminded me of how long I've been serving the YFC. Cool!

I look like autistic here. I wasn't aware someone's taking a picture. Ha-ha! I'm the last talk giver for the covenant orientation.

Look at my hand! Ha-ha. :)

The new certified YFCs while taking their pledge as members of the community. Around of applause! :)

Giving of their YFC IDs.

The last one to receive her YFC ID. :)

This is how we WORSHIP HIM. ^^,

Our worship leader, Felip. :) It's his first time to lead a worship while playing the guitar. He did great actually! :)